Table of Contents

From the Editor-in-Chief

Engaging Pedagogies and Teaching Practices: Moving ESOL Forward

Lubie G. Alatriste

Invited Article

"Doing" Science, Using Language: Professional Development to Promote Science and Language Interaction with a Focus on Multilingual

Okhee Lee, Clara Bauler, Emily Kang & Ocol Theresa


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Feature Article

Professional Perspectives on Assessment and Educational Practices for Children Identified as English Language Learners: A Pilot Study

Michelle Hernandez
Katrina Fulcher-Rood


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Brief Report

"No One Knows Who I Am": What School Leaders Can Learn from ESL Teachers

Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong
Sultan Turkan


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Alternative Perspectives

Reimagining the Teaching of Syntax in TESOL P-12 Teacher Preparation

Joye Smith


Readers Comments and Views

Fostering Good Relations: Textbooks, Affordances and the Equality Agenda
A response to: Brown & Nanguy's (Vol. 8, Iss. 2, 2021) "Global Coursebooks and Equalities Legislation: A Critical Study"

Andrew Walkley


Materials Review

Teaching and Researching ELLs' Disciplinary Literacies: SFL in Action in the Context of US School Reform
Meg Gebhard. Routledge, 2019. 282 pp.

Second Language Writing in Transitional Spaces: Teaching and Learning across Educational Contexts
Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste & Cathryn Crosby Grundleger (Eds.) University of Michigan Press, 2020. 272 pp.

Jacqueline Nenchin


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Call for Submissions Open
Guidelines for Submission

Editorial Board and Review Board for This Issue:

Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste, Editor-in-Chief, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
Catherine DiFelice Box, Editor, Feature Articles, University of Pennsylvania
Brooke R. Schreiber, Associate Editor, Brief Reports, Baruch College,
City University of New York
Ravneet Parmar, Assistant Editor, Materials Reviews, Adelphi University International

Advisory Board

Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, New York University
Ofelia Garcia, The Graduate Center,
City University of New York
ZhaoHong Han, Teachers College, Columbia University
Helaine W. Marshall, Long Island University, Hudson Campus
Shondel Nero, New York University
Elvis Wagner, Temple University
Ann C. Wintergerst, St. John’s University, New York

Board of Reviewers for the Current Issue

Shoba Bandi Rao, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Cathryn Crosby Grundleger, Teachers College, Columbia University
Jee Wha Dakin, Educational Testing Services
Anne Ediger, Hunter College, CUNY
Joan LaChance, University of North Carolina- Charlotte
Cynthia Wiseman, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY